Amber you're such a cute, amazing, talented fren and I aspire to be like you💕✨

Have a wonderful birthday, and I hope you eat plenty of yummy cake :3

Your kōhai and fam,



Amber you're such a cute, amazing, talented fren and I aspire to be like you💕✨ Have a wonderful birthday, and I hope you eat plenty of yummy cake :3 Your kōhai and fam, ~Sakura

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^Don't thank me, like??? It's your birthday!!💜🎂
ily too💕
It's fine, I'm trying not to eat too much sweets anyways...
this is cute! so cute awwwwwwew
^Thanks darling
aweeeyyy that's so cute!!! :33
aww this is so cute!!💘
^^what no YOU guys are cute💕