


19 105
^^all mine oops srry not srry 🙈
fine future mine😂
ugh *kisses ur passionately* ur the cutest thing ever
nvm Landon I should just go
*lays my head on ur chest and whispers* daddy
i'm sorry...i feel like i messed up ur relationship with forest
*frowns* do u still love me?
just leave me alone u knew how I felt and u don't care
bc we wernt friends
okay babe *smiles*
bc if I told u I liked u I'd be asking u out and I'm not like that
why would I talk to u Landon the one who hurt me wow that's a joke
*kisses u*
*sits on ur d*
*watches u and bites lip*
*slides my hand in ur pants*
*smirks and strokes ur díćk*
*strokes ur dįçk*
*bites lip and watches*
oh hèll nah boy idk who that słut is but I hope ur happy
when did I cheat
*smirks* mm daddy
I'm zay
bro u still hurt her
bro the reason that she said she had mixed feelings is because with her definition is you can never have even amounts you always have more or less and you were the more she was leaning towards
yeah I just truly truly she's dead and gone
*wraps my legs around u*
Ik be happy she is gone
she is dead to u boi and she hopes ur happy
ily baby❤️❤️
k that's all I needed I'm not zay //forest
yeah u did
nah I'm not mad I'm glad ur happy, probably more then I could have done
so u don't wanna be friends?
ok but can u remix me?
*shakes head*
*kisses u*
*lays down on the bed* i'm tireddd
sleep with meee
*smiles and closes my eyes*
*falls asleep on ur chest*
bc i look uglyy
and i sound so thirsty cuz ur also talking to forest
:( she don't like me
*smiles* ily2
because if u liked her u have to tell me :))
okay babyboy❤️👍
i thought she was mad cuz i stole "her man" aka u
then who's man? *giggles*
*smiles big*
wou talking to mama again?
and wou wike her?
does she stiwll want me?
do wou?
gm baby❤️
how are u?
good :)
*kisses u*
i'm so boreddd
can we get ice cream?
are wou and mama togewther
yay! *gets shoes on*
cause she nowt on a wot
*stands up* ready to go babe?
*looks at feet*
me just a wittle sad
Hey I'm haley💓🌹Just want friends:)
downt know
weah. it up two wou two choose me mama
nice to meet chu too 💗😊🌵Hru hun‼️
*opens the door*
I'm fine I suppose:)🤗🌺and that's good
it just thwat Kaitlyn keewps weaving
*smiles* thank you❤️
I could be better but I'm fine ya know what I mean🤔💗
*looks down*
well wanna do something :) ;)🌍🌹
*holds ur hand*
papa it wour choice....
*hugs you*
I don't your choice Hun🙆🏻🌵I'm all out of ideas❤️🤔
movie sounds good 💓🌍What movie ?¿
let's watch everything everything ❤️🌵I wanna see that movie it's is romantic and ugh😩😂💗
ty❤️❤️ *sits down*
*Sits next to you and grabs the remote*
^^woah gurl slow down 😂
*puts seatbelt on*
^girl hushhhh. we is watchin a movie and your spoiling it. shhhh
^^ you two love birds😂😂
*Turns on the movie *(Look at my post landon😂👌🏻❤️)
*smiles and looks out window*
whattttt i'm not
*Lays my head on the couchs arm *and*watches the movie *(I know you love it😂)
*Watches it *this is sad how are you not on the verge of crying *Giggles *and*places my feet on your lap*and*Laughs*
( ;) your very cheesy but I can deal with it😂❤️)
Landon stoppp!!*Giggles and squirms around*
because i know ur gonna fall in love with her. she's that type of person. i'm gonna stop trying
Landon let go of meee*laughs*
i can't stop landon. *rolls eyes*
Landon get from off me nowwww*Giggles and squirms around*
because she's a lovey dovey person. and u will fall in love with her. just like she said
why? because it's true? *looks away* everyone does this to me
^^I mean I'm a friend way soooo🤔
*Laughs and looks at you* I'm gonna kill you
*Fixes my shirt and runs after you*COME HERE!
^^lil bítčh štfü and mind ur own business 🙄
but Landon I just want hugs*Grins evilly*
*growls*Ugh Landon where are youuuu*Tiptoes*
^^she said it first landon!!
*walks in*
all I said was I like him as a friend you blew off like some physic
Landon im sorry I just had to say that^👌🏻
it's a joke landon. but i understand
*Giggles and turns around and raps my arms around your torso tightly *Found ya
bye landon
thanks for the birthday wish :)Love ya❤️👌🏻
*Grins widely and looks up at you*
*looks at you*
me is vewy confuwsd
*Watches you and smiles alittle*
*Smiles back and looks at you*
wou and Kaitlyn amd thwat owther giwrl
*Looks around and stays silent*and*Smiles softly*
*Shrugs*things I guess*Places my hands on your chest*
*Lays my head on your chest and takes a deep breath and looks up at you*your colone is very strong *Grins*
*Giggles*No problem
me wove wouuuu
*Looks at my phone *and*holds onto your shirt*
*goes on snapchat*
*Scrolls through names*
*takes a picture and fixes my hair*
*sticks out my tongue *
*Grins *and*smiles *And *Looks at my phone*
wets goooo
Stoppp ba- I mean Landon*Looks up at you*
nothing *Burries my face in your chest *
I was just gonna say babe *Nods alittle*
*Nods alittle and looks around*
Yes?*Looks up at you*
*giggles and walks*
wou are!
*Smiles softly nad looks at you*
wou face is
nwooooo *giggles*
I feel the same way*Nods*and*looks at my phone *But I don't want to get in the middle of you and Kaitlyn so I should go
*Looks at you*Landon...No
*pushes my waist against your trying to let go*Landon..
^^too late
are you really in love with me..?or do you just like the feeling of it*Frowns*
*kisses you back softly*
*Nods alittle looking up at you *
*hugs you back softly*
*Grins and looks at you*
hey *Whispers*and*smiles*
*Kisses you back softly and slips off my sandals*
*Gets back on top of you*
*Nods slowly *
are we still friends
best friend rate me on my last post
yayyyyy *hugs u*
*puts my head in ur shoulder*
it's zay did u hear?
forest is in the hospital
yeah but she has been drinking
we don't know yet
yeah I'm on bro
Landon idk what to do
um yes I did
I'm ig she was with Brennen and he made her cry Landon I don't wanna change the story so u should just ask ally or Brennen or if u even want forest
oh ok I'm rlly worried for her
ok but be careful those drugs and its that time of the month 😂
goooooood morning stranger
I'm perfectly fine
Landon I got friend zoned and yesterday was my dads birthday those 2 things don't mix well with drinks
I don't know how Harry feels about me
Ik and Harry wasn't on so I tryed for him
wow ok what?
Landon plz
ur throwing me under the bus Landon
well it's Kinda hard Landon
fine bye
look Landon I'm sorry and u are right I just don't want u to be mad at me
Landon plz don't be mad at me
*wraps my arms around ur neck and hugs u*
u never post anymore *looks down*
ohhhhh I seeeee *smiles*
deal what do u want me to say
kk I'll brb
now where is my best friends post
ok 👀