My note is written just saying


My note is written just saying

107 1
please don't hurt yourself, please stay alive.
it does get better. I promise u it does. i felt that way for years and just recently it got better. don't hurt urself. don't kill urself. u have ur whole life ahead of u and its gonna be great
r u ok?
Please don't gI know it may take years but please don't give up hope. Please stay safe and please strog
please don't
you need to stay strong I know it gets tough. I can relate to you and understand trust me I want to go to but it's not worth it.
it never gets easier. you get stronger
it might not seem like things will get better but eventually they will even if that's 20 years from now they will eventually be better trust me I've been there
it doesn't. but you get stronger. you really do. hope things get better❤️
heh same
please don't leave! it does get better.... I know people who've gone through this. I know it takes time.... you can make it through, I know it! ❤️
I does not get better.
unless you make it better. let the things others say go over you. water over stone.
if you keep saying these things about yourself your life is never going to get better.