Where's Johnnie!?


Where's Johnnie!?

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Kohnnie should write a song and feature Vic in it
Omg yes! Or PTV featuring Kohnnie. It's pretty much the same thing but yeah
that would be so cool!!!
Right? It could be like a love song or something and then there's a verse with just Johnnie and Kyle singing about how much they love eachother and then the music video ends with them kissing each other
and jolex wouldn't exist, Johnnie could just forget about that and remember about Kohnnie
Yeah. He's just using Alex as a cover up but when they confirm that Kohnnie is real Johnnie would forget that Johlex even happened and Kyle would forget about Kyhan
yesssss!!!!! I don't like Meghan, she's not right for Kyle
Hmmmm.... I think she kinda is, but Johnnie and Kyle are definitely soul mates 💫**Insert ring emoji here cause I can't find it 😁
lol! but that's very true! but when you see kyhan, you won't be able to forget about Kohnnie
Yeah true
this is why Kohnnie needs to together
Kohnnie ARE together, they just won't admit it
true. why can't they just go onto MDE and tell everyone!?
I know, like.... right
Right. Now. Not. Later. Just. NOWWWW.