Kendall.... Happy birthday! Your 13 already!! You are an amazing best friend! You always play minecraft with me!!πŸ˜‚ Love, your boo.


Kendall.... Happy birthday! Your 13 already!! You are an amazing best friend! You always play minecraft with me!!πŸ˜‚ Love, your boo.

15 0
I love you Kenzie you are the best
Aw thanks! You are so sweet!!😘😘😘
I am crying because you talked to me
You are so sweet!
really want to meet you bad
Aw I really want the meet you too! Are you ready for the new dance moms?? 😘😘
yes so much you are so good at acro and I love how you dance
The dance mom girls said hi!!
What do you want for Christmas?
oh my gosh tell them I said hi
an iPod
is maddie with you
Yess!! lol
my sister loves her so much
Ok gtg bye!!
bye I have to go love you so much
are you Mackenzie
Yes. 😘
I love you so much
can I be your best friend
I might be in dance moms
do you have
hi Kenzie can you tell dance moms to follow me please
And your mom
thank you for following me Kenzie
from pics art
my name for pics art is Zieglerfan20
Oh yea:)
hi can you follow me please for my user I Natalie_lol17
can you follow Me in pleaseπŸ™
user natalie.xoxo500 musicllys
hi Kenzie I love you
I am sad that you left dance moms (crying)