i got an interview at a cafe ((: ! i hope it goes well bc the job i have rn is kind of awful idk why im so nervous i hate phone calls


i got an interview at a cafe ((: ! i hope it goes well bc the job i have rn is kind of awful idk why im so nervous i hate phone calls

18 0
Ok. Thx.
aww i hope u get the job i'm sure you'll do great !!!!!
i can totally see u working in a cafe gl !!!
I work at dq lol. and good luck at your interview!!
bru phone calls are the absolute worst oml good luck at your interview!! you’re gonna do great oml
good luck! i would def hire you
that sounds like working there would be so much fun I’ve always wanted to work in a cafe !! I hope it goes well :)💓
yee yee good luck!!!