Chat with me guys. You too 50 shades.


Chat with me guys. You too 50 shades.

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what is up with you lostsoul341? and what is ur name so i dont have to keep typing that.
Nm, and Emily
Hey, What about me? Am I invisible here?-Lily
no. what is ur name? and u r the third emily ive met on here.
I'm Lily.
I was talking to u yesterday
I'm gonna go now. It's like I'm invisible.-Lily
no dont leave
and sorry emily. im stupid.
i looked at the other post. im an idiot
Ur not an idiot, everyone forgets things, and don't leave Lily
thank you.
I got like 30 followers overnight
I forget how old my brothers r
I'm back. What's up guys?-Lily
nothin much lily.
Nm, u
are you following me?
Nothin much. And yea, I'm following you.-Lily
yay. can u tell all ur followers to follow me? im trying to beat my friends.
I hate school
me too.
Okay. I will.-Lily
I have to stay an extra hour for homework club
thank you. here is my email so you guys can email me.
that stinks.
It does, I am just going to be on my school iPad the whole time
well... ok. email me guys. im switching classes now.
I can't, my mom took my phone and my iPad won't let me log in
to google?
Yea, I tried it said ,y password was incorrect
make a new one.
I can't I need a phone number, but I don't have a phone that works for texting and calling. I should get my phone back tonight tho
you can send the password to my email and i can tell you.
is that ok?
you are...
Sorry My teacher was near me
ohhhhh. ok. anyway you want to send me the password and i tell you?
Nah, I know what it is, it just keeps telling me it is wrong. I can only email on my phone, but my mom took it so I will have to wait till she gives it back
oh. that sucks.
Yea, I might get it back tonight after homework club
thats good.
I hope she gives it back, she might not
i hope she does too. pic collage is a pain in the butt.
Yea sometimes it is, I rlly hope she gives me my phone back
I am bored and wanna throw something at my teacher
me too
Now I am at lunch
me too.
Well now I am back in terrible class
I am in AVID