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that would be hard
heyyy💖Sorry I haven't replied sooner !! I've been busy lately. anyway Is their anyone who does like him ? try getting that girl talking to him if there is, if not then just say to him " I'm sorry but I dont like you in that way can we just be friends ? " even if you really don't want to be and if you are too shy to say that get a friend to do it X please comment on my post to see how you got on Xxxx hope it works out 💪 good luck💖🌍✅🌀
I’m not updating anymore because they just seem to get worse 🙄
does he know you know he likes you? if not just act normal and it will probably go away
just be normal, good luck! xx
Thank you everyone for your advice!! Now that the school year is over, hopefully he stops. Thank you again!
do u live in Australia?