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hi anyone im antonia:)
hey brad, how are you ?
great:) tired , but im great:)
same same ; it’s 3 am for me so not much to do ahah
well it’s morning for me too buddy 😂
if it helps ; i was born and idiot :)
& i was dropped on my head when I was a chliddd 😂 my mum put her cola on my little baby thing (ya know where you sit and eat when you’re a kid lmaø) and basically the thing slipped and my mum caught the drink & not me lol 😂
probably wasss
aw that sucks
i guess growing up my life want all that bad with my mum. really bad with my dad though.
how old are you?
same. it’s like I kinda wish no one has to go through it.
im sorry about your mum😕
eh , it was inevitable.
Thanks you so much. Ur language is fine. it's just describing her
yeah exactly
wow 😳