Collage by anime_4_anime


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if here is anything I can ever do to help you, if you want a 😀, tell me. I used to be one of them. I would talk in front of girls, where they could hear me, then act all nice. I still talk to boys, but I don’t do stupid things to get their attention anymore. I used to site with these girls, they insulted my family, called them names. they said I looked like my brother, then said he was ugly, insulting me withought actually saying it.
I live in a nice place, my family cares, but I still felt they favored my brother, so I did things to get their attention. ugh. and I still am mean. I am trying to change though.😀
although I actually never wear makeup, partially because everyone tells me I don’t need it, but also because I think it’s a wast of time.:)
did u know there was a girl in the arena who was smarter than foxface and she could make her heart stop for a couple seconds so she tricked the game makers and escaped
but foxface was to smart to just give up on Berry’s , I think she wanted to keep peseta alive #good choice