Comment why you use pic collage.


Comment why you use pic collage.

39 2
I use it to feel accepted and to actually have a social life. I'm severely bullied and everyone wishes I was dead except my girlfriend and like 2 of my friends
oh so sad...! I use it coz I'm bored
if any one bullies u here do tell me xx
what do you mean by you were dead except your girlfriend and like two of your friends
everyone wishes I was dead. my bad
all of castle heights and parts of Dutchman creek and all of the iris circle kids.
they bully me
I'm hated by almost everyone I know.ALMOST
I don't want you to die and I like you
๐Ÿ™‚well not by me
yeh see we like u so don't worry
aww. I like you guys. what grade you in. I don't ask for really personal information. I'm in castle
castle heights
6th grade what grade are you in
wanna chat
I use it because it lets my imagination go free in pic form
I can b myself
omigod, y would someone bully u!? uve got so much talent! but do not worry, wen u r older, u will b better then them, and then u can show them who's boss!๐Ÿ˜‰
to inspire people and b myself and not b judged
I agree why would anyone bully you?!
you have so much talent to spread to the world
and guess what? the bullies have NONE!
so keep on trying! ๐Ÿ™Œ
just cause๐Ÿ•ถ
to create collages
to let people see my deepest thoughts๐Ÿ™‚
for fun
for creepypasta
Because its the best thing to use to include people what you think and like