Who are my true friends....cause I know a few people who are my "friends" but don't actually care about me


Who are my true friends....cause I know a few people who are my "friends" but don't actually care about me

23 3
I am
sorry if I blow up on anyone I'm apologizing now I get pîssed easily and I have a few things on my mind and Leah your a real friend ilysm❤️
ok ok fine
here comes my rant Leah this doesn't count towards you cause I don't think you were in the conversation at the time
so when I said"I'm gonna go offline until bæ gets on I'll talk tomorrow ig😔" did you read the properly cause all you said was "k bye" you didn't ask if I was ok..didn't ask what was wrong...that's mostly why I left the squad and only having guy friends for the most part now..thats also why I was crying earler
^^read the rant
I feel like y'all don't care bout me anymore
I do u my perfect bai 😂
but you guys barely ask me if I'm ok...my best friend Jamie that died...every time we talked the very first thing he would ask me was if I was ok...and if I wasn't he would fix it...he dies recently from internal bleeding😭😭
he or she Leah
I'm sorry bai
I'm literally in tears rn😭
he was beat up trying to protect his cousin from being bullied...