This is my car like


This is my car like

5 0
best song ever
no that from one direction
I'm the real foxy you can be Bonnie or balloon boy but be someone else cuz I'm the real foxy
cool my icon is not foxy
you posted a picture of foxy so um what does that mean🤔 YOUR TRYING TO BE THE REAL FOXY WHEN YOUR NOT
yeah you wish you were as sexy as me and you lie about afghan and stuff you do it for attention
block Seleste too or I'll report you!
I don't get what I did to u tell what did I do
Grrr *puts head to throat* I guess I'm a no one and Seleste hates me now I guess *slices throat*
hook not head
seleste loves u
no one should love me...I'm a psychopath...I've killed children and I don't deserve her *tear rolls down cheek* she doesn't...
Duh seleste always did dude Å´TF
what do you mean?
dude she likes u
and ur foxy not him he's icon is just some fox that has abbs and wearing shorts
how do you know she likes me? I'm a psychopath..
she told us
then I guess she likes psychopath's
foxy u and seleste r good gf and bf but if u think that she hates u I don't know what to say don't get mad ok do you know she's not lying?!?!?!
foxy she loves u ok
I'm friends with her on Instagram
if you block one of us you block both of us
I'm fine I'm friends with her on Instagram