She kinda hot


She kinda hot

26 1
Hi there! someone told me that you are the new co owner of the 5sosgames! congratulations! I know you'll really like it! it was really fun when I did. since I have apparently been blocked on several accounts for a reason I am unaware of by 5sosgames, I think I'll have to resign from team Calum. if you can, please tell 5sosgames that I am sorry if I did anything wrong and that I really enjoyed co owning, so thank you. Thanks so much! i know you'll be a great co owner! XOXO _stardreams_💖
thanks Idk wats happening to 5sosgame I didn't even know I was co owner until then. y did the owner bloke u
stardream who was co owns before
Stardream do u have Instagram
hey! so sorry, I just saw your comments!😁 and no, I don't have ig but I have we heart it @_stardreams_
KkHemmings and I were chosen originally as co owners
and congrats on co owning The_5SOS_Competition with KkHemmings! are you competing? I'm on team Luke!
yea I am on Ashton team
thank u
cool! I can't wait for the Competiton to begin!