Ahhhh this iwaoi edit fills me with angst,,, hnnnngggg the nostalgiaaaaa👀🌸

“We receive the love that we deserve” Hełł yeah we do.

|| r e p o s t e d ||

Don't ask me if I'm okay. I'm just gonna say it right now- I'm not.


Ahhhh this iwaoi edit fills me with angst,,, hnnnngggg the nostalgiaaaaa👀🌸 “We receive the love that we deserve” Hełł yeah we do. || r e p o s t e d || Don't ask me if I'm okay. I'm just gonna say it right now- I'm not.

96 35
Number 1 ship ✨👌🏻 I just live them
yay you're back!!!
mm thanks guys^^^
Glad you're back Sakura~🌸! This is rlly cute btw
weba ^^
that means welcome back, sorry for the slang
I just read what happened on the other post. is there anything you need to talk about? I understand if you don't want to talk right now... school is really rough.
I was worried about you all day... 8th grade transition is mentally, physically, and academically exhausting. I won't sugar coat it for you... things are certainly not going to be the same. but don't let that get you down... you can choose to make this year better or worse, it's your call. right now, no grades, everyone is starting off right at the middle. that leaves a lot of room up top for you to sky rocket, so for now don't worry about falling down but moving forward. Show these teachers who you really are, little by little :) and I can promise you, even though we might not be able to sit right there next to you, we're all here for you, and we'll offer you as much emotional support as we can and try not to become a distraction of what's really important. please stay positive, for your sake... I believe in you :D
I was in pretty much the same situation as you are in right now... Algebra I Honors, English I Honors... I multi-tasked and it is possible, but you need to have a balance. towards the end of the year, I spent too much time on Pic Collage and ended up almost flunking Algebra. I study too much on Algebra, I do get good grades but I lose followers and appear inactive. devote a specific time for work, and a specific time for socializing. if there's a giant test coming up, you should probably cut down PC time for the days up to the test. Also, you might not realize it now but advanced classes look REALLY good on your transcript when you apply for college. trust me, you'll be glad you took them. Also, just to get one thing clear. If you flunk one test, sure it might be a bummer temporarily, but it will mean close to nothing in the long run. all four of your final quarter grades will average out to one grade, so a flunked test will look like a speck. Plus, it's great experience, when you get down on a subject you should work hard to bring that score back up. I was in almost exactly the same situation as you are in right now, and (again, not giving you sugar coats here) It is true, you definitely will not be able to talk on Pic Collage for hours on end like you most likely were perfectly able to do last week and all those weeks before. But if you can develop balance and maintain your grades while maintaining your internet friends, 8th grade will suddenly not seem as intimidating as it used to seem.
I need to pack and I figured you weren't listening so I just sort of left .-.
that's perfectly fine ^^ I'm a little busy too 😅 I get it, it's life