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*looks down* -ky
we can talk about this later.
in the mean time lets keep an eye out on Mitchie and Conner
*sighs* k...just quickly.... I didn't lie to conner. we aren't like that anymore. maybe we used to but I promise that you guys have changed us. people change people. it's called the secret to life.... if u still don't believe me then...I'm sorry you don't trust that I'm not lying. -ky
I wouldn't lie....to the only either I have left after Liam's death.
*brother I have
mitchie is okay just upset what about conner?
well he cut....
WHAT!! why?! -mitchie
he WHAT?! -ky
he hurt you Mitchie....he broke the only promise he made to himself.
*is speechless* o...oh...
*looks at chie* -ky
I'm gonna go talk to him... -c
now that Chie is sorting that out...can we talk? -ky