Sup I'm Kyree😎
-I'm 16💯
-I'm a baller🏀
-I'm the quarterback🏈
-I'm single🔓
-I'm a pretty chill dude👌🏾
-My fav color is maroon🖍
-All teachers hate me📚
-Uh yeah so hmu📲


Sup I'm Kyree😎 -I'm 16💯 -I'm a baller🏀 -I'm the quarterback🏈 -I'm single🔓 -I'm a pretty chill dude👌🏾 -My fav color is maroon🖍 -All teachers hate me📚 -Uh yeah so hmu📲

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Hey I'm Brooklyn, and welcome to PC! ☺️💕 You're new right?
Sweet 😂😂 I'm so bad at startin conversations 😂😂 So what do ya like to do? 💕
Nah you're fine👌🏾I like basketball, football, walking around the city with friends, and yeah hbu?
waaallle 😂 I like to compose music, sing, play music, make collages, mostly talk! (I guess you can call me a creativity nerd) 💕💕
Just Chillin hbu?
Real why?😑😒
He isn't a fake
If he was you would see that his photo would be collectible
That's true tho 👌🏻
But that's how you know, just check to see if the pic is collectible 👌🏻☺️💕
true true
aye im brianna😌
Good u?
eh. alright
would remix be better for you??
oh okay. are you okay?
yeah I'm fine thanks
your welcome❤️