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thank you...
have u given ur life to God?
... Please don't. You're amazing and I know that... Even if you actually are lost and broken,I don't care. You're awesome and beautiful and amazing and such a wonderful person!... Please keep that in mind.... That you're awesome... And amazing... And wonderful... Because you are! Don't ever think differently and be yourself! Please don't try to fit in... YOU ARE AMAZING!!! ❤️❤️❤️
thank you❤️❤️❤️ that means a lot
oh no plz dont hate urself!!! 💕 ur beautiful and i would love to be friends and i can always be here just dont give up!!!! 💖
thank you... I'd love to be friends with you
don't be so hard on your self. your perfect, your going to make mistakes because your human. you are an amazing person. don't give up. look at fxckdepression Piccollage account. she posts really encouraging things
*your not perfect