What if I accidentally, sort of, killed myself?


What if I accidentally, sort of, killed myself?

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No. I always think like that as well but remember that life will get better one day. Ur an amazing person and you need to show the world that. :) Stay Strong. XxX.
thank you
smile. look around you at the beautiful environment you live in, think about all the places you've never been to, that you dream you have. it may not feel like it but trust me I know how alone you must feel in the horrible haze of depression but you're not there are so many people around you that love you, that couldn't bare even an hour without you. you are stronger than this fight it and maybe one day you'll get to go to those places with those amazing people. if you ever need anyone, I'm here xo
thank you
suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem
please don't kill yourself. it's not worth it
I would be very upset! Don't give up life you don't deserve your a beautiful person inside and out!
thank you
never give up on life!! Sure life has ups and downs but hang in there!!๐Ÿ˜€
I would be very sad๐Ÿ˜ญPlease don't๐ŸŒบYour so pretty inside and out๐Ÿ˜Œ
I think we've all thought of suicide at one point of our lives. But in the end, we all are too rare to die. The world is scary, but the world is also beautiful and amazing. What makes the world scary, is the way people treat others. Good luck, I may not know you, but I would really like to be your friend. Good luck in life! I've got your back!
I'm going through this with you.. plzzz I am knew to this account and I love it. plz don't, cuz than I might have 2๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™‚
I would be so upset please don't give up
that would be awful don't think those thoughts you will only see your flaws and have more reasons to die
just think of something happy and not so negative.๐Ÿ™ƒ
stay strong
that would be BAD!!๐Ÿ˜ฑ
yeah, I'm close to doing it though xxx
why would you do that though?
I am sure you are a beautiful and strong person
because I'm going through a hard time
don't kill your self
I'm trying not to
please don't kill your myself... stay strong.. I'm here if you need to talk...
don't let bad things push you down
you are amazing, it's the holidays! have a fun time!
Don't!! You are so awesome! Suicide isn't right. God chooses when you die, not you.
ok x
I don't even know u but by reading ur stuff it would make me cry ๐Ÿ˜ฅplease don't