Death Parade killed my heart, but that's okay, it's not like I needed it anyways, hA๐Ÿ’€ 

But really, when Decim started crying the wORLD JUST STOPPED SPINNING AND I JUST- *runs out sobbing*


Death Parade killed my heart, but that's okay, it's not like I needed it anyways, hA๐Ÿ’€ But really, when Decim started crying the wORLD JUST STOPPED SPINNING AND I JUST- *runs out sobbing*

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hey Sakura, what's the cursive font you used on this called?
Decim's a cutie๐Ÿ’— Love this edit
is Death parade good because I really want to watch it.
this collage is so aesthetic omg asggieejfhwoskwj
Death Parade starts off iffy but it's definitely worth it!!๐Ÿ’œ