//Tippy Tappy//


I'm not doing well. I should take a break from everything but it makes me feel empty. I don't know what to do.


//Tippy Tappy// "burning" I'm not doing well. I should take a break from everything but it makes me feel empty. I don't know what to do.

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@caption try taking a break and try wátching motivation videos to help you
I know I'm not a professional and I don't know what your struggles are but I know that feeling empty hurts and all I want is you to be happy
I hope you find happiness soon and you're welcome
Just know that it's ok to sigh because I might not know what you are struggling through but I know that you had a hard enough day to even have a chance to let out a sigh for others and to you it might leave disappointment but me it's a sigh of of little relief and sometimes it's ok to say that you are ok bc those are words of comfort and what people really need in this world is something to go to towards comfort but all I have to say is I know things are hard now but take a deep breath and look at what you are grateful for even if it's 1 thing in your life hold onto it and never let it go until you start to see things that you are more grateful for