Collage by 3RunawayKidsInactive


49 1
how's scout doing
Surprisingly... pretty great! He follows us almost everywhere and is really playful all the time, plus he can walk long distances without getting tired. We've been offering him water and we bought a bit of dog food, a small bag just in case.
that's good if he ends up with no food then DONT give him the bars and only a little bit of Apple is good
I'm saying this bc when I was 5 I gave my dog my apple and he died 😭
Awww....I think we'll be able to keep getting him dog food.
OK good 😀
Hi, I just wanted to say, you guys are soooooooooo inspirational the fact that your doing this is unbelievable I don't even know how long I would last without a little bit of food but you guys, you guys are something else, I wish I could meet you guys, but, I live in California, that is a LONNNGGGGG ways away, anyways safe travels! 💟
can you guys show your face plz❤️
Phone? We've been using Luke's phone that he had before he came here, we get wifi at hostels and places like Starbucks.
We probably won't show our faces.
Im so sorry, but what is a hostel? I know, dumb...