These to are my bbygs, I love them more then anything. // cc


These to are my bbygs, I love them more then anything. // cc

11 11
I love u 2 πŸ˜“
Alex is always starting it, and he just came up behind me and pulled my hair, so what am I supposed to do, I'm a cheerleader, I may not be a bully, but I don't like ppl touching me at all
I'm the only one that can
yup, and no he is not on now stop asking
I'm the only one that can touch u
heΕ‚Ε‚ yes cause u my bbyg and my wifey
yep baby he does it again imma kill him
lol I won't stop u
good baby what did he do?
he didn't do anything else
good baby I hope he gets what he deserves
lol he did
good baby does he know bout me?
what did he say?
he said ew and that I'm gross, I said stfΓΊ
baby it's not ew he's the ew one coz he probs has no one that loves him and he's jealous of me
yeah ik
I would be jealous of me if I had a knock off my feet Girlfriend like u
are baby girl didn't sleep
what u mean baby?
tell u later, gtg bye
jack is dead because of you! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
no not you.
I'm blocking you savanna.
because she made jack hurt himself. bye. I'm killing myself.
I saw the post I hate you.
I didn't do anything
baby u on?
hey bbyg
hey read my recent post πŸ˜‚
I did
lol she does need to back off I don't even know her πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I love u bbyg with my life
thanks bbyg u mean more to me
ik, and she is so cute