Hey do u guys like giRAFFES


Hey do u guys like giRAFFES

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Um yes I love giraffes I wanna give them a hug.
HeY sorry I have no one else to talk about this but I started dating this guy because he seemed nice and it seemed like a shot anywAy I was at his house and I was texting jAcob and he gets all jealous and at first I'm like alright wow ;) so I don't tell him Jacob's gay cause I wanna see where this goes, and then he tells me I can't talk to BOYS. CUSE HE DOESN'T TALK TO GIRLS. And I was so mad like what. Jacob is my best friend and like I don't need to not talk to BOYS cause I'm eating somone. RIGHT? I MEan if I was like flirting with jacob it would be different but I wasnt. And if I I was sad and mad.
ALSO HE SEEMED PRETTY NICE AND HE WAS MY TYPE AND I WAS ANGERED BECAUSE HE WAS THE FIRST DUDE I WAS ACTUALLY ATTRACTED TO THAT'S NOT FICTIONAL OR LIKS TEN YEARS OLDER THEN ME. And HE BREAKS UP WITH ME because I don't stop talking to jacob. It's sad. I mean obviously he wasn't th e one but it's sad people think you should stop talking to the opposite gender when u date someone. AND WHEN I told him Jacob was gay he said he was probably just lying to get my attention and I bought slapped him. Okay sorry I just had to tell someone haha. I would tell Jacob but he's insecure about bei mg gay and I don't want to hurt him
have you ever seen giraffes fight