Me trying to be sexy and failing epicly


Me trying to be sexy and failing epicly

26 3
no you are sexy
thanks but not really xD
yes you are
please don't say you aren't you are beautiful on the inside
fine but only like two people think so
and you are also beautiful on the outside to and if you need anyone to talk to you can talk to me ok πŸ™ƒ
ok thanks
😘. I like you profile picture
your really cute
haha drowning in all the compliments
really really cute and no one will be as cute as you
my senpai is
Matthew ❀️
I have a senpai
yeh you gotta Senpai?
and it's
really? why?
because you are great
I'm a potato
well I just sprained my wrist
yeah lol✌🏻️✨and btw u are not a potatoπŸ˜‰
I was push by someone into locker the I was tripped
and I fell wrong
ouchy I'm sorry you ok
and my teacher will not let me go to the office
what why?
just say you need to go to the bathroom then go to the office
she a jerk
you there
can I have a hug *opens arms*
*hugs back*
* starts to cry*
what's wrong *hugs a little tighter*
I just had a massive massive heart break
what happened??
well my girlfriend broke up with me and said that I was worthless and the I should just kill myself and that I was ugly
and the ugly part is true
Awww you're not ugly
look at my account and then you can tell me
omg you have a 6 pack! 😻 wish I had a six pack 😹
you there
yeh I zoned out
oh ok I'm done with life
you there
why ya done?
*falls on the floor in pain and cries*
I can't deal with people anymore
*starts to cry harder*
*kneels beside you and hugs*
thanks *crys but not that hard*
this may sound weird, but may I sit I on your lap
sure *pats my lap* why not xD
ya thank you
my we watch a movie
sure you pick
nightmare before Christmas?
I can smell someone axe
*puts movie in DVD player*
curled into a ball
weird question but real quick what's you gender?
girl sorry
always worried Matthew will get worried with me talking to a guy
mad at* not worried
oh what does Matthew look like
I guess kinda like me but a whole lot cuter
your cuteness is so cute though
eh not really
*starts to cry*
*hugs* what's wrong?
you are saying that you are ugly *starts to cries harder*
*hugs tighter* why would that make you sad?
because that is one thing that makes me sad *still crying*
you there
it's ok *pats your back*
*legs are getting weak falls*
*cries harder* you are cute
you there
*stands up and walks away*
sorry I was eating chocolate cake ^-^
*runs over crying and wraps arms around you*
*pulls you back down* let's finish the movie
*wipes my tears away*
*picks you up and puts you on my lap*
oh ok
*puts head on shoulder* you are the best
you there
aww thanks *hugs*
*eyes getting heavy, sleep*
*grabs a blanket behind me and covers you up*
*dreams happy cuddles into chest*
*pauses the movie and lays my head on your head*
*bad image pops into mind grab shirt*
you ok?
*jumps up* bad dream
poor thing sit here I'll be right back *goes into another room and comes back with and pillow, blanket, teddy bear, and glass of water
ok what is that for
you had a bad dream *lays down pillow and blanket*
now what
you there
snuggle in *hands you the teddy and glass of water*
on I'm fine
I'm fine
you sure?
ya I'm fine
ok *sets everything on the table*
*starts to cry*
*puts head in my knees*
*sits down beside you* what's wrong?
no one has ever been this nice to me
get use to it *picks you up and carries you outside*
where are we going
*sits you on a swing hanging from a tree and swings you*
this is so sweet of you
tell me when your bored and we'll do something else *keeps pushing you*
I'm bored not I a rude way
ok *stops the swing and start carrying you somewhere else* where do you like to shop?
hot topic
*puts you down and bends down* piggyback ride?
*gets on back*
*picks you up and start running* as we approach the mall I slow down when we get to the door I put you down and open the door for you*
*puts my arm around you and goes into hot topic*
*smile grow on my face*
you are the best
pick out some stuff you've had a rough day
not that rough of a day
but you still deserve a little something pick out an outfit or something
*grab stuffed pikachu*
aww anything else you can have anything
no I'm fine
come on pick out at least on more
*grab a black sweater*
cute, you ready?
ya *give hug*
*hugs* *goes to cashier and swipes debit card*
no prob, I got me a little something too wanna see?
I will talk to you in Tuesday ok bye
*starts to cry then falls on the floor*
what's wrong *hugs*
I cut myself
you there
why don't do that! where?
my wrist and my legs
*starts to cry, falls in the ground*
*picks you up to your feet and looks at your wrists*
*move away.*
I'm sorry for what I did
there's no need to apologize.... it's hard I know.... it'll get better *hugs you again*
nothing gets better
yes I does suicide just takes away the chance of things getting better
I needs hug like really bad
*hugs you tightly*
*pushes away*
*looks at you confused*
*falls and sees black*
you there
yeah I'm back
hey I'm on
I like your profile picture
thanks I'm on too now
*opens arm* my I have a hug I have had the worst morning
of course *hugs* anything you need to talk about?
I cut myself
again? *hugs tighter* what happened?
my dad hit me a hole bunch of times
I feel ya I have a sucky family to... but they're not your family I am ok.... I'll be here for you
*hugs* if you ever need anything I'm here I'll be your family
sorry I had testing
you there
you there I need someone to talk to *falls on ground*
yeah I'm here now
well I'm not eating
you on
are you mad at me
no just a little zoned out today
may I get a hug
yeah sure *hugs*
*looks out the window* wait what? oh yeah no problem
*falls on floor see black*
*hears the thump and looks away from the window and rushes to your side*
*opens eyes* what happen
*lifts you up to a sitting position* you blacked out
and I think I know what
I cut, don't sleep, and I don't eat that's why * start to cry*
*hugs* you need to eat and sleep, I know not cutting is hard but you need to eat and sleep at least
I try and try to sleep and eat and I just can't
I will. talk to you tomorrow
ok get some sleep
hey you on I have something happy to tell you
yeah im on
awesome I glad do you take pills for it?
*sits in the floor*
well that helps too *sits beside you*
this may sound weird but may I sit on your lap please
yeah sure *pats lap*
ya *hugs* thanks
*puts my arm around you* feeling better?
aww *hugs* wanna go to a fair or something?
ya sure
meow I'm a cat
*picks you up and puts you on my back and walks towards fair* *rubs your head* good kitty
*starts to purr
*gives you kitty ears and a tail*
no one has ever been this nice to me
ya thanks
*starts running when I see the fair* watcha wanna do first
I don't know you can choose
roller coaster it is *runs to the shortest line*
ok *puts head in hands*
*puts you down and gets in the seat
ya my day is getting better * smile grows on face*
*pats the seat beside me*
*gets in*
*buckles your seat belt then mine*
*roller coaster starts to go up hill*
*covers face*
*pulls you hand off of your face and holds it*
why *try to free hands*
it's not scary it's fun!!! *roller coaster gets to top of hill*
I dislike roller coasters I'm sorry
well you should have told me that *goes down hill*
I'm sorry* starts to cry* I feel bad now
it's ok *hugs*
*wipes you tears*
*leans into side* I'm sorry
*ride ends* *unbuckles your seat belt and picks you up and carries you to a table*
I'm sorry
it's ok *sits beside you and hugs*
thank I feel horrible about not telling you about how I don't like roller coasters
it's ok it's my fault for not asking *hugs and sits you on my lap*
*hugs and crys*
you are the best
*wipes your tears and gets up* stay here I'll be right back
*puts head on the table*
*brings back cotton candy*
*fell asleep by accident*
Awww *rubs your back and looks at my watch* *sighs and takes out 2 pill bottles and takes one pill from each and puts them away*
*wakes up* I was not sleep. *cover eyes* it's bright
you there
yeah little zoned out again
*gives you sunglasses*
Imma go take a shower I need to calm down.... but wake up at the same time
it's ok
ok I'm back
so what do you want to do
idk you pick
watch a movie and you can choose
sure horror?
ya I love horror movie
you should look at my pic collage really quick please
and you are the best on the world
nah uh you are
no you are
no you
you are and that's final
hey guess what?
no you
I don't like guess
you on
so what did you what me to guess
that you're the best :p
no you are the best
you on
sorry I am now
hey guess what
you cute and the best
Awww, hey go vote on my acc!!
I'm bored *sits on floor*
then go vote on meh acc xD
I will tomorrow
*hugs* bye
hey I'm on
are you on
I just woke up xD
hey I'm bored * sits in the floor*
*sits beside you* watcha wanna do?
I don't know
play any instruments?
I play guitar and drums and I can kinda sorta sing
nice and hey
lucky all I can do is sing
you sing good
I know
you there
yeah I am I thought you two were talking
I'm getting bored
I'm just talkin to meh m
oh ok that's fine
πŸ’” my hearts breaking into pieces
why what happened?
I was called stupid and I should just die and I need to die
by who?
a friend
on here?
no they got all close and yelled at me
*falls on floor crys*
wish I could do something
*sits beside you and puts my arm around you*
hugs for life
nice pic
thanks I change it every once in awhile
*runs and hugs* thanks
no problem
cool pic
you there
I'm lonely *falls backwards
you there
are you mad at me
no I just wasn't on