Hmmm do I like this? Not really. ๐Ÿ˜‚ anyways Iโ€™m probably going to be trying different styles! Bye. โ€” 


Hmmm do I like this? Not really. ๐Ÿ˜‚ anyways Iโ€™m probably going to be trying different styles! Bye. โ€” -Kenzie

34 0
this is pretty
(in response to your comment on my page) what team are you talking about? if this is any help, I joined a rowing team two years ago that had nobody who went to the same school as me. I only knew my cousin, and we arenโ€™t close at all but she ended up quitting anyway. anyway, I did end up making friends even though I didnโ€™t know any of them and most of them were already friends with each other. I hope you end up finding some friends!
wowowow love your account