What did snowy iPhones do to you?!?!


What did snowy iPhones do to you?!?!

8 12
idk who that person is
the only people I get upset with on PC r haters
it sounds like this snowy iPhones person is lying
okay, so I think I followed her. but I'm against bulling. I would never in my LIFE bully a person
Idk her, sorry. I don't know why she thinks I hate her.😭😭😭This is making me sad that someone thinks I hate them.😒😒
you are just trolling right ? cuz she doesn't exist and you are accusing everybody in this world even a fly.
why are you blindly accusing people on piccollage, who don't even know this person, for bullying this person? please stop.
I see what your trying to do
I searched her up she wasn't there
Your snowyiphones
I searched her up you were there 😑
your a bully! 😑
hi! you sent me something about me bullying snowy_iphones? I think there's been a misunderstanding here, I've never bullied snowy iPhones. If someone is bullying her, you should report them asap. Hope this clears things up! πŸ˜€
i never did anything
so it happen to everyone, huh?
dont comment on my collages. never visit my account again. you're reported..
clearly nobody know her. her account is made today and you think we bully by saying the same thing? this is sick! you have to fake something just to get attention... report a real problem. this maybe mean but this is true. nobody knows her and her account was made after you send these fake messages.
i hate people who wants attention....
if you gonna post something fake, do it right
what happened why are u sad??
#BLOCKEDT screw off
also you tell people that they bullied your friend but then follow us?!?
^ Ikr
you really need to stop it's really petty what you're doing
I didn't do anythingg
You shouldn't lie about things like this. I'm tempted to report this account. You better stop soon or I will!
no one is bullying anyone!!!
I didn't do anything...I don't know who she is
I would never bully anyone
idk who the heck that girl is but shes obviously you and looking for attenion
I don't know who that is, Im so sorry! I never hurt her
this isn't something u should be playing around with. bullying is a serious problem, so stop joking around
stop saying that!!! none of us bullied her
stop it
U said I bullied her.........that's false!!
Bullying is the LAST thing I wanna do in my LIFE!!
Heck, I don't even KNOW her!! Just stop making people turn on me for just on FALSE info!!
And others too!! Apparently u just want people to think others bullied your friend here!!
NOTHING!! She did nothing!!
I don't like this at all. please stop this.
please stop
I have never bullied her and she says I have
I don't even know her!
I swear on my life I never bullied anyone. I have been inactive for almost a month because of all the school work. I'm not sure what I did but please show me proof tat I did something. I might have been hacked but I swear I would absolutely never ever do anything to hurt anyone. this is the first time I've been on pic collage in a long time and I am worried and hurt by your post
Liar stop doing this ur only trolling
why you hating I'm probs late to this but she would never do anything
tisk, i knew you were faking it
stop trying to get attention...
fake. this is probably snowy iPhones herself.
Snowyiphones lied to us, all of us