A steady beat🎵🎶


A steady beat🎵🎶

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Hey! Luv this post so much. A few things to say. With Jennas account thing and that post I made, I used text that is capital letters only so her user is this... artmarshmallow176. And now the other thing I have to ask is did u go to Nora's house on Friday while I was at Noosa? teaparty11
Go onto iTunes U
Reply back here when u r on iTunes U and to answer my stuff. (iTunes U text thing)
I forgot how to go onto text!😖😫
And yes I did go to Nora's on Friday!
I am on
Ell are you there?
Which one are you on?
week 6/7. go on that one
the one that Josh started... Hey. I want to start a conversation
tell me when u r on
sorry Ella
I have to go to bed chat to you tomorrow