Collage by alyy-h


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y were u talking on my page
that is the worlds worst feeling...
I have experienced it firsthand, and my confidence hit rock bottom. That was the lowest point in my life.
and you wonder how you survived without knowing them and they send you selfies to ask how they would look with a different hair color and you say you don't care when in reality you're saving the picture and internally yelling and crying that she keep it they way it is now because she's perfect and you wonder if she even knows you exist and soon enough you're hearing voices telling you just to die and you're not worth it and you can't tell her because you're scared of what she'll think of me and I tried and tried and tried to be the best I could for her but she just kept going back to her crush and when I finally told her I loved her she looked so hurt and explained in great detail why she didn't love me back but would rather be like sisters......... //Mitch//
I'm sorry... //Mitch//
I kinda blew up on ya there.. //Mitch//