We are all born to be white swans...
But any tragic events will cause us to take revenge...
And we turn into black swans...


We are all born to be white swans... But any tragic events will cause us to take revenge... And we turn into black swans...

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You are one hundred percent correct. All are born white and pure, but through painful endures, their revenge grows stronger, and there is no cure. You of all people should understand, no? -A
please I'm asking for a favor 🙏🏽 this is for the benefit of another persons problem 🙍🏽 ItzBreannaHatePage is trying to ruin lives. I ask that you go and report all of their collages to get them noticed for bullying people 💔 If you would do that, it would mean A LOT to me. and I mean A LOT! and you can help by passing this message along so please do so! thank you 💖