Collage by -Squirrel-


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I completely agree with you and I'm so sorry what you and some of your friends have to go through being judged for their haircuts and their religious clothing it's disgusting I think people need to know that like men can be how they want to be women can be the same and some of us were smarter so it should definitely be allowed :)
I love (as in hate but love the way you put it) the line about you questioning just because in most careers it's so much easier to be a man. I hate that that's the way it is. I swear if I try to fit into another pair of shorts that are my size but way too short/tight I'm gonna scream. Or if anyone asks why I'm wearing jeans. I'm sick of my sister coming home crying because another stranger cat-whistled at her. Can we be treated the same way? Is it too much to ask?
okay but this is really eye-opening