Collage by -NJNcub-


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before letting anyone else in do you want to host a series of games to determine which 5 or a number of people will make it!!
I don't know you pick!
Sure!! I’m going to start tomorrow!!
okay then!
sounds good I’ll talk to you then!!
No more peoples for nows!!!
let’s add four more people-//NJNcub
by the way it Imablueberry!
you here?
I’m here—NJNCUB
comment yes or no!!
or anyone we need to add
-Imablueberry you don’t have to add more if u want!
oh ok!! sounds good!! how about we add one person a month!!
who is it tho?
idk create a voting page with the people who signed up so that the members can vote!!
I’m going to camp so I’m not going to be active!!
do you wanna add more people in the club?