Collage by phansblogsheets


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HOW WAS YOUR DAY TODAY?? I'm currently @ the dentist's.
and thanks for reposting that thingy.
It was good! I went shopping with two of my friends and they're staying at mine tonight. the dentist sounds fun. is it bad that I like going to the dentist?
no I like my dentist a lot, but I hate having my teeth scraped. I can't stand the feeling. but I'm not due for fluoride today, so that's nice.
we have this thing called the crusade for children, which is a foundation that helps children with cancer and nerve diseases to pay for their surgeries, and every year fire departments go "crusading" and drive around neighborhoods in their trucks to collect money for the crusade for children. so I have this friend form my old school whom I adore, he's just a lovely person and one of my best friends. his dad is a firefighter so I'm going crusading with him today. I'm SO EXCITED.
that sounds amazing!! I brought some acrylic paint today and I'm going to attempt a painting of Phil
YEAH I WILL DO. I'm going to try and do it soon
awesome. honestly you're so talented and wowza
I'm really not. I'm useless at most things
Thank you so much. it's pretty true though. there's a lot of things that I can't do very well
but those don't matter. honestly focus more on all of the things you're amazing at
I'm sorry, but I'm going crusading now and won't be back until late late. I'll talk to you tomorrow. I love you and your amazing. good night<3
I'm going to be awake pretty late anyway, so message me when you get back if you want to and then if I'm awake I'll reply. good night. I love you too <3
how are you, my little bean?
sorry for spaced out replies. I am v good, although I have to go crusading against soon and leave you.
I'm sorry this weekend has been like this. it'll be better next week.
and my phone's about to die. it's on 1% :((
It's fine no worries :) I was about to go to bed anyway so it doesn't matter. don't worry about leaving me, it happens to me enough irl
but that doesn't mean you have to experience the same things here.
yeah I guess
how are you?
alright. you?
just okay?
yeah. dorothy and I have been arguing all day bc when she stays home with me all she does is order me around she's only nice if I do things for her. and if I say no, she just screams at me.
That is the exact relationship I have with my sister. I feel your pain. do you want to talk about it?
i wish I had time. I have to go again. *cries*
it's fine. no worries
hullo :)
how is you
I'm good! how is you?
sigh. better than yesterday I suppose. mostly bc I've done my best to avoid dorothy altogether, but she bought me lunch. but I woke up this morning to the sound of her yelling at my mom through the phone and banging her fist in the counter. so that wasn't a very nice way to start my day.
I'm going to a wedding today. and my grandpa from Ohio is coming to visit.
it doesn't sound it. my parents are going on holiday for a week tomorrow as its their anniversary, so I have to put up with a week of my sister being in charge of me
that's sounds nice!
aww, that really šûčkš. just lay low tbh. if I get through today then I have almost 3 while weeks of dorothy being at camps and stuff so that's good.
I'm tired of dorothy not thinking about what she says to me. she'll make little remarks about my appearance that really, really sting, ESPECIALLY when it's in front of other people. I can't do anything about it so i just walk around trying to cover it until I get home. she just says things and throws around sayings freely, not caring how deep they hit. recently she took me to a violin lesson, and I left the house in a hurry without my violin. we weren't even out of the neighborhood when I realized and she turned around saying "wow Evelyn that was śtüpîd. oh my gosh you're so ŠTÜPÎD" repeatedly. she was laughing and I didn't want to say anything so I just kinda laughed it off, but on the inside I felt terrible. idk what to do. she's just putting me down farther and farther and she doesn't realize how bad she's hurting me. and I know if I say anything she'll just be like "geez take a joke" or just laugh and walk away like she's so funny and cool. that's what se always does.
idk I just had to get that off my chest
my sister is exactly the same. I told my mum about it. I told her that it was upsetting me and she spoke to my sister about it. that's what I'd do if I were you
yeah I told her. but that never stops her. she just still doesn't think and let's her mouth flow freely. if she would just THINK. just for one tiny füçking moment then all of this wouldn't be happening..
I've never heard you swear before. you must be upset. tell her. sit her down and tell her how you feel. shout if you have to. make all your points beforehand. if all else fails then try to come up with some witty comebacks to throw at her when she says things
like, if she calls you stüpíd you can just be like "oh really, what have you achieved in your lifetime that makes you Einstein?" or "Well, you're not exactly Einstein are you"
one of my favourites is to pretend to juggle, and then when they ask what you're doing say "juggling with all the cráp you're coming out with" as a ginger and as someone with an older sister I have a lot of comebacks so just hmu if you need any
ok. thank you. really, I appreciate it.
i have to go on tv today
Really? How come?
well u raised $600+ for the crusade for children so they have this big event where people who raised money in there own go on tv and are asked questions about what they did.
That's cool!!
idk IZ you can but you might be able to watch it on it's @ 5:45 my time, so like, 11:45 there? idk I'm bad with time.
I'll have a look. sorry my replies have been a bit sporadic today. I've had a friend over
well that's fun! is it your best friend? the one you always talk about?
Yeah, it's her
Thank you so much for the comment on my other account