guys. I'm seriously thinking about leaving for real this time! Y'all never like my pictures (minimum is 30 likes) and I have freaking 6,330 followers!! Can I just please get up to like 50 likes or higher? if I don't I'm leaving


guys. I'm seriously thinking about leaving for real this time! Y'all never like my pictures (minimum is 30 likes) and I have freaking 6,330 followers!! Can I just please get up to like 50 likes or higher? if I don't I'm leaving

34 0
don't leave me!! 😢
Don't leave piccollage, You've got so much followers, I have 400 and you have 6k That's ALOT, Your collages are really pretty too.
PLZ don't leave!! I just wanna let you know that you were the first person I followed 😊💗
and that I love your collages 😍💗