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ik hunger games and maze runner are amazing movies. oooh, illinois that's cool!! ♥️
nice to meet you c 🙂
they are!
do u prefer a more quiet place tho?
ohh well it can be very busy and crowded here in l.a
oh that's cool. haha, well i feel honored :))
oh, ok. well, we're all different. if u don't mind asking, how old are u? it's ok if u don't want to answer :)
aw~ ☹️
my bday is on august too!! and i'm also 13 ☺️♥️
haha that's still cool tho :D
i do
hmm i'll think about it. we just met, but we can still chat here on pc. sorry if i'm too cautious lol
do u listen to other groups besides bts?
and thx for understanding ♥️
aaaah cool
it's ok, i don't have merch too 😭i really want some thooo
sorry just snooping about on your conversation... but I don’t have any merch either! my parents don’t know I like kpop because if they did they’d think I’m super weird for liking “Chinese gay men” 😠😑 (and I’m poor af)
also I really like this collage
whaaa?? that's kewl