Meant to post this but pc wasn't letting me


Meant to post this but pc wasn't letting me

32 6
np you are awesome and even though you don't think you are you are beautiful ✨
you are beautiful and awesome (a lot more then my ugly af self)
in all your picture you are I have never seen an ugly one
your face is beautiful
YAS IT IS you are one of the prettiest ppl I've ever seen
it's true you are beautiful and I won't stop telling u that until u believe it even if it takes forever
then I'll tell u the truth that u r beautiful until I die
no I am telling the truth and everyone who says u r beautiful is telling the truth
no u r beautiful it's the truth u r so pretty I don't care if ppl say u aren't they r wrong mean and messed up
but you are pretty and beautiful
you are beautiful
yas you areeeee
I saw them and u r still beautiful your hair is awesome and u even look pretty when making faces
no u r your hair is way better then mine my is a weird wavy and never stays the way I want is and your cute and everyone can look ugly if they try and all the pics u post r of u trying to look weird (but u still look pretty) the normal pics of u r beautiful
np it's true βœ¨πŸ’–
and the part about u being beautiful is true
you are more then ok looking πŸ’–βœ¨πŸ˜Š
you might not believe me when I say you are beautiful but at least believe when I say you are pretty and better then okay looking
cause it is true
you might not feel pretty but you are
no they don't
you look good in them still
I know how you feel I'm insecure all the time but I think you are beautiful and you might not accept or like how you look but I hope you can and learn to love them πŸ’–
πŸ’–βœ¨πŸ˜Š np
it's true that you are beautiful tho
you are very pretty πŸ’“
Yas you are πŸ˜‚πŸ’•
no it is true πŸ˜‚πŸ’
Yas πŸ˜‚πŸ’œ
Yas πŸ˜‚πŸ’™
Yas πŸ˜‚πŸ’›
Yas πŸ˜‚ <3
ok byeeeee πŸ˜‚
hi πŸ˜‚πŸ’•
nothing πŸ˜‚πŸ’“ what about you?
ok πŸ˜‚πŸ’
what about u? πŸ˜‚πŸ’œ
i gtg my phone is going to die ttyl πŸ˜‚πŸ’™
and idk I was wondering too
hiii πŸ˜‚πŸ’• my phone is plugged in now so it won't die now πŸ˜‚
I use my both cause for a while my phone wouldn't even let me post πŸ˜‚ πŸ’
use both not my both πŸ˜‚πŸ’ž
same I made this collage I really like and it won't post and I'm so mad at pc πŸ˜‚πŸ’˜
grunge rock responded to one of my collages when I went to plug in my phone telling me about it I swear I didn't know until then and I helped her and told her she should talk about it with you
I didn't know it was her or write it with her if that was what u were thinking
that is honest
when u posted the post about the comment I had no idea that had happened or who had done it
do u want me to tell her anything?
I know it hurts
she feels really bad and doesn't know why she did it
ok I think she is afraid you already hate her and will never forgive her
I told her but she went on private so the best I could do was leave a comment on a pic we were talking on so idk if she will read it
she said bye to me so idk if she will be on for awhile
I'll go look
I know it's really bad when I read it I was like who would say that cause grace is amazing
I know you aren't an aΕ›Ε›hole she said she was just insecure and u were pretty and she had feelings and I guess she brought them out on you
I can tell it sounded really bad
I think she was kinda caught in the moment when she wrote that
I know I got betrayed before and it sucks so much definitely when u thought u could trust them and loved them
I didn't either
and I have no idea when she is getting back or how long it'll take
I know that caused a lot of problems
but u guys were really happy for awhile
and it's awful that that is what hurts so badly that u could love someone so much and then be hurt so badly 😭
I'm attached too and I hate and get upset all the time over it
and I've made so many friends on here and when they get it hurt it also hurts me and I this situation is awful cause it both of u
same I used be like I'm strong but nowI cry and I'm always in a bad mood and I hate myself
usually one person is hating them self or having a sad time but it's both u and grunge_rock
and both of u are amazing and it makes me really sad to see both u sad and mad and stuff
no I'm not I'm ugly af my mind hates myself and makes me depressed all the time and I feel like I'm slowly losing all my friends
me too I was so surprised when she told me and I told her to tell u right away cause I knew it would hurt more if she waited
who did u think?
well u r really pretty and I'm definitely ugly af compared to u
ok and you look Better in glasses then most ppl I know I could never pull off glasses
u still look great with them on
no u don't u r one of the prettiest ppl I have ever seen
np it is true
I have seen many ppl
and my eyes work
u r beautiful πŸ’–
I wish ppl would stop judging you on being insecure everyone is insecure at some point and it doesn't help when others judge πŸ’–
I know it happens to me ppl say u do it for attention and I'm like I don't like hating myself if I had s choice I'd try not to
I hope she responds cause there had been so much drama and stuff and u should have an explanation for that comment
it's ok I hope she reads it πŸ’–
I gtg ttyl
hi πŸ’•
good how about you? πŸ’ž