


101 1
Ginger are you on?
yes why?
today was hilarious, 😂😂 me and you almost died!! how do you feel?
I was just wondering😂
That's my password. I just wanted you to know so you can co-own my account.😊
I know
Okay, kind of scared
How do you feel?
I'm cool, just laughing really hard right now 😂 some girl today at school was lying to me, and I just went along with it because I got the screenshots to prove her wrong, and what about your password?
oh yeah, okay 😂😂
That's my password
Since your going to co-own my account
why do you want me to know that?
Did you see what it was?
wait I'm gonna co-own an account?
yeah, my pic collage account
And, I'm going to co-own your pic collage account
But, we don't have to co-own each other's accounts, if you don't want to, Ginger.
wait since when?
Since then⬆️, Ginger
lol I said we'd talk about it 😂 do you want me to text you?
Do you want to Ginger? It's ok if you don't
do you want me to text you about it?
lol😂Sorry, I misunderstood. It's okay you don't have to text me. Do you want to talk about it here?
it's not exactly private here, but okay
I have already seen it
I'm only going to leave it up for a few seconds
got it
I don't care if you log onto my account😂Since you co-own it
I'm ready for your pass whenever
But, only leave it up for a second so know one but me can see
are you ready Ginger?
one sec I got to go get Leonie real quick and I don't have wifi outside
Oh, ok
Wait, actually Ginger do you want to tell me on my account
I don't have so many followers so it's not as public
Ginger are you still on? Did you get wifi, yet?
I'm on
Are you guys friends?
I know the truth about you
I liked all your collages and followed you