Collage by ohmygodjacob


21 2
yoooo I'm Sophia:)
hello mister *giggles and smiles shyly* I'm anabell
I'm great:) you?
I'm ok *sighs and shrugs* nothing nobody cares about. wbu ?
good good:) well in about an hour you'll have ladies going crazy over you😂 happens with every guy on here🙄
that's good *smiles* it's not nothing but it's nothing that I really wanna talk about...
yeah :(( wanna do something ?
noooo problem😂 be hella careful girls be playing with your heart always, and they will say bye faster than when they said's pretty funny actually
we could do a movie or swimming ?
^truth right there..There is always drama on this app but the best way to ovoid it is not to be crazy about making a ton of friends and talk to the right people and try not to gossip about everything..nosey bîtches will read your comments, remixes everything.😂👏🏽
hello hello:)
good good:) shall we be friends?:)
what's up? oh I'm Thorne if you couldn't tell already
dealing with drama,soon just gonna punch them all to shut them up honestly,I HATE DRAMA
it's funny how all these people giving you advice but they are those people😂😂. someone pls help me understand what the fûck is happening
helloo, im leah:)
it's whatever honestly, anyways how are you ?
alright?hmm,anyway I could try and make it even better:))
I don't mind you can choose:)
well now I'm not a total loner😂
what's uppp:)
well it's all your choice,because I suck at choosing😂
well goodd😂
hey look, you're looking for friends, 'm looking for friends. let's b friends! 😂
sounds amazing!remix?
nothing muchhh:)
pretty sure im the coolest one out there 😂
holaa 'm steph (:
hey I'm annie
hi i'm claudia
hi hi i’m addison x