4•3•22 (tap!)
Happy April! PC fixed there glitch and I can see my collages again. here's another collage with my new theme! I'm going to start this thing where everytime I post a collage I'll post a quote or a bible verse in the remixes! so I'm starting t


4•3•22 (tap!) Happy April! PC fixed there glitch and I can see my collages again. here's another collage with my new theme! I'm going to start this thing where everytime I post a collage I'll post a quote or a bible verse in the remixes! so I'm starting t

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@caption: Happy April! PC fixed there glitch and I can see my collages again. here's another collage with my new theme! I'm going to start this thing where everytime I post a collage I'll post a quote or a bible verse in the remixes! so I'm starting this today so check the remixes to see the quote! also starting next collage I'm recreating old collages and I'll post the OG in the remixes. do you have any fun plans this month?! my cheer team and I have our big end of season competition!
this is soo cuteeee
i still cant see my collages 😔
yay!! good for you! good luck!
this is so prettyyyyy
happy april ❤️ 🎉🥴
can’t wait to see the new collages
umm not really but i have a family reunion ?!? 😆
literally i loveeeee this obsessed!!!!
This is absolutely beautiful, happy April!😊🎉
I can not wait to see your old collages recreated
How are you?
I love the recreating old collages idea 🤗
the collage is stunning btw
I can see mine too yayyy! so glad the glitch is fixed!
Happy April! I can’t believe it it’s the second month of spring alr!
also I love the idea of recreating old posts!
umm no much plans my cousin is getting married soon 😆
Good luck on your competition!👍
Once again a masterpiece ❤️
I can see mine too and im sooo happyyyy 😂 this is BEAUTIFUL 😍 i rlly love this theme
thank you so much Layla!!
I just realized there are so many L names on pc lol! Lucy, Liana, Laia, Laura, Lily, Layla, Lauren, etc.
Round one of the Collage Showdown has just been posted! Make sure to enter before April 13th (next Wednesday)
thank you!
Are you mad at me or something, I never would want to make anyone feel mad with me, I'm just curious because you have not being talking to be lately? I just want to make sure your not bad at me because I would never want to make you or anyone mad. Sorry if it’s not the case.
thank you!
I am up to collab, but only accepting collabs on this account :) is that alright with you?
whenever! you let me know!
Oh phew I was just making sure because I would never want to make you mad Layla, also how are you?
Also Layla I still have the collab we did from like last year that we never got to post would you like to post it, if so I can re remix it to you!😊
Oh we did because I don't see it on your account?
awesome! what part do you want to do?
This is amazing!😍 hey remember like last month you asked me to collab but then you kinda went offline and forgot about it?
yes ofc! So could I do the text?:)
Spring and peachy? sure!
I'll send you the bg as soon as I can (I'm in school atm lol)
new post🧡🌸🧡
this is so gorgeous!
here’s the bg! what do you think?
thank you!
yes ofc we could! I do like your themes though! It fits your user😍