So this acc seems pretty cool -anom


So this acc seems pretty cool -anom

45 0
maybe you're gender fluid? idk. but just relax and try to find yourself, but who others think you are/should be.
the only label you use is your name. you are you and that's all that matters.
be your self and don't let other people determine who you are. Hang out with people who care for you and except you. and finally do what you love!💕Good luck
hey, so I know after spending a lot of time on the internet it's easy to 1) get confused 2) see stigma 3) hide and also 4) reach out. there are sites like tumblr, here, and other social medias that are actually v helpful. Pinterest has lots of resources, analogies, databases, diagrams, etc. to help you figure out what is what; talking to others about it is also important, because we're live and most of us just want to help a brother/sister/other out, mm? don't let labels get in the way. be who u are, sweetpea. besides, you have loads of time to figure out who and what exactly you "classify as", so def don't rush and push/force urself into decisions! I have faith in you. <3
‼️🛑 someone changed the password to the account❌