💀❤️💀❤️I don't even care the edit is horrible… Enoch O'Connor slays❤️💀❤️💀


💀❤️💀❤️I don't even care the edit is horrible… Enoch O'Connor slays❤️💀❤️💀

12 0
THis is increDible - YAS enoch
thank you for the support and answer to your question on my collage - my favourite book is hard to choose. I can tell you my favourite out of a series but still. the following are books I adore: the entire Harry Potter (deathly hallows favourite), a song of ice and fire (storm of swords favourite), carry on (obviously), and those are my main ones at the moe. I'm currently reading schindlers list, but I love classics like Agatha Christine's novels and Jane Austen.