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when I was little my aunt was baby sitting me and I was playing with my ball and then I just stopped and looked into the hallway and there I saw a shadow with white glowing eyes then I said hi bc I didn’t know what it was and as u get older the veil( which allows u to see ghost) it closes as u get older and older till eventually u can’t see them anymore but u get better at sensing them when their around but my fam on my mom’s side had lots of ghost experiences but my aunt heard me and rushed me right out of there
ooohhhh cooolll
week I’m not saying then white ppl are horrible and I’m not saying blacks are better I’m just saying all lives can not matter when us whites are being treated like royalty even if they kill someone and blacks being trash for nothing but yes all lives do matter but u don’t see whites being killed for nothing other races are being killed for nothing so yes all lives do matter it’s just we need to worry abt other races first cuz their being killed for NO reason
it all started when that Oompa Loompa became president
btw I rlly do love this collage
thankkksss and so true about trump lol
come do my contest!! I would love to see what you come up with!!😊