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sowwy my parents enforce extreme culture stereotypes at home so I don't know what bacon smells or tastes like ;-;
*blushes deep* ...yea...
i just wanna die and have different parents...
i'm sawwy!!!
all the time...
I'm sowwy for u..
i'm sorry....
poor Rittik
YUSH and yush..
and i can't live with anyone else irl...if i do something that normal parents would orphan their kids for then my parents would just abuse me more to the point where i do something that will definitely kill me...
holy shît a program is reading the hdd at 803.4MB/s
oh.. and what!
yep it's the antimalware service exe
*le cwies in a corner* no one irl really cares about me...i've been broken and fixed repeatedly...
i'm sure they do......
....why would they?
what's not to like about you?
i have a separate personality on here/at school and at home...
my parents don't like me as my pc self...
what's yer personality irl?
y wouldn't your parents like your online personality?
i don't do anything except for read books, create vm's, do schoolwork...idk what else, i'm basically boring...
that's not a personality, that's what you do. i mean like, are you an introvert or extrovert, uhhh etc etc etc
and idk...my mom got super triggered when my school's counselor told her that i was suicidal...
*le cwi*
that's not your problem
no one thinks my jokes are funny...they just tell me that they're really cringy and they call me weird and ugly...
let's see, i'm probably gonna do really bad describing myself irl, but i shall try
and again, that's their problem
i'm kinda an introvert but at times i'm an extrovert...
o gwad meh laptop is ded
okah. i'm an extrovert 100% of the time, i am maybe 9% lazy, i'm usually kind of cheerful, i love being outside, i'm not shy at all, like i will randomly go up to someone and say hello or something if i'm looking for someone to be friends with 😂💖 umm,,,,, i don't actually get hyper like i do on here, ummm THIS IS REALLY HARD
okey i'll tri
that was really really really hard
i'm an introvert irl but an extrovert on here, i like to run/jog (only at school for some reason) and make .vmdks, i don't really have emotions, i know everyone hates me but i help people anyways, it's actually impossible for me to get hyper (i've tried)
okay, that last part of mine was a lie, i can get hyper at times
and cool :3
and also i'm always cold for some reason, even in the summer
w e l p i probably did really awful explaining myself but i tried