I'm so bored


I'm so bored

4 0
I will, but I'm also role playing with fluttershy_mlp so I might not reply too much...
that's ok
what inspired U to make ur OCs?i ALLWAYS wanted to know
oh well i will do it in separate texts because I type to fast and it's a long story
amie- based of me mainly
candyfloss- me being crazy and my original version of pinkie pies cousin
starry night- inspiration from luna, I take inspiration from things, like candyfloss=pinkiepie
fire heart- a lot of ocs led to this, it was mainly me trying a load of ideas (water, snow, moon, etc) and I Finnally decided on fire
so basically- what's your fav mlp? and base it off that, or fav colour, fav thing (eg elements, sky etc)
also do u hav instagram so we could talk in private?
I do :)
but I'm a private acc
but I will let u in
_chickenhamster_ is me
I am SupeRainb0wKitty
I'll follow u now
ok! sorry if I don't reply ASAP
I can't find u...
ok I will try u
got u
I got u too