Chat page for me and pinwheelpops xxx ONLY


Chat page for me and pinwheelpops xxx ONLY

13 0
o this is so sweet thanks
no problem x
so how are ya
so what time is it where you live
it's 9:55 pm were I live
10.55 am
what about you
wow!! that’s cool thanks for the like do u want to be in my bio
also how old are u
ya I will be in your bio
I'm 15 I'll be 16 in September
wow so we're you live it is morning
yeah well it’s 11.04 now so nearly afternoon
I’m a year younger than u I’m 14
when I get up you go to bed
well kinda
well 13 turning 14 on the 6 of September
so how old are you
hey also to let u know if u ever need to talk or something I’m here
I'm turning 16 on September 20 how cool it that
ya I will I'll be here for you
ohh cool
September Buddies x
so cool
I feel young now like your 15 nearly 16 and I’m 13 and nearly 14 but I feel really young
not saying that you’re old your beautiful
I’m from Australia