Ask me any and I’ll answer 100 percent truthful


Ask me any and I’ll answer 100 percent truthful

14 2
49 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜
that so funny I would be a tomato now I have to think
ok so it’s not too embarrassing,but I’m REALLY shy and I made paper flowers for all my church teachers and I gave one to the main one and everyone was standing on the porch outside the Youth House (at church) and he shouted β€œsomeone loves me!” And showed it to every one who walked in the door I probably looked sooo red πŸ˜‚
describe my crush.... Inside: kind quiet nice sweet πŸ‘Œ outside: dark hair he’s big? But he always hangs around with this other girl 😭
now you 8 πŸ˜†πŸ˜
oh 13!!
11 πŸ˜‚
haha that’s great,
number one what's your names? 😁
nice πŸ‘ŒπŸ»
big = ↕️ not ↔️ because I'm small πŸ˜…
my friends were talking about it yesterday because SoMeOnE here know out side of PC and she saw it 😿
2 I know actually
where did you live before you moved to Thailand if you don't mind me asking
Aussie = Australian right πŸ˜‚
my name is ivy