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By the way , do you make profiles? I think you made some of my friend’s . Could you make me one? The name’s CREATIVEDRI . Please please please don’t spell it wrong , soooo many people spell it wrong . And if I’m honest, I’m so sick of it! well now , kisses and a good start of 2025!!
And also I love your COLLAGES. , you inspire me , the background photos are sooo beautiful AND creative and the phrases even more , well I wish Yuo WILL HAVE A MARVELOUS 2025 . Don’t forget your FAMILY it’s the most important thing , and also your pic collage friends ….
I can give you a phrase to reflect yourself in this 2025 “Don't spend hours banging on a wall with the hope to turn it into a door.l it’s a great phrase created by coco channel the crater of the brand *channel* she inspires me like other celebrities and HELPS ME BEACOME A BETTER PERSON .
# by the way sorry for the spelling MISTAKES , there’s no autocorrect or
ok Thank you so much for the inspiration! And yes I will see if I can make you a profile, because I’m about to start school tomorrow and I have a bunch of test to study for…Thank you so much tho! Have a marvelous 2025 too! ❤️🥰☺️
YOU’RE WELCOME if you can’t , I totally understand I mean…we all have text right? Well kisses I hope your well prepared for your exams and you ace them and remember “ YOUR RULE”! (DONT THINK LIKE A DICTATOR HAHAHAH , NO LIKE YOUR ULE IN THE WAY ITS YOUR MOMENT TO SHINA)
Stupid autocorrector , I’m gonna killl ittt
So do you speak Spanish and English?
Bonjour tu parle français?
oui , je parle francés
non beaoucoup ,
lol,êtes-vous sûr de ne pas l’avoir cherché
Tu oui parle un peu français? C’est drôle
Oui je parle un peu François
está bien que sepa otro lenguaje 😄
I know! I saw so many people commenting on your post! it’s just difficult because I, and I’m pretty sure you do to, work really hard on the profiles but if I’m honest sometimes people change them right away and I feel like I did it for nothing
Holaaaa soy nueva en pic, y mis amigas me han dicho que haces unos profiles super bonitos y me preguntaba si me podrías hacer uno? si es así me gustaría que me hicieras uno muy aesthetic con una chica rubia de espaldas y con tonos azules y blancos
hola bearyyyy
cómo estás??
hola estoy bien apenas tuve un tormento de volley! 😁
que guayyyy a mi me gustaría jugar al vóley pero monto a caballo y voy ha clases de pintura, aunque igualmente soy muy mala jajajja