Your boy Roy


Your boy Roy

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stawwpp your a hottie. 😊
you are I wouldn't lie to you. - nicole
nah babe I don't work that way. just know those eyes are fxckin gorgeous and those lips they are so full I'd suck them alllll day. So get a tad bit of confidence babe
nooooo quit it. your hot ASF I'm telling you
well your wrong and I'm right but it'll be our little secret and anyone else's that's reading it
nuh uh. cause your and your full lips are sexy
don't be that way sexy
nope hot stuff
yesss and your lips are my favoriteeee
they are! I will not tell a lie
hmmmm and what do I get?
humble is not one of your many attributes sweetheart
why should I give you what you want?
whatever Roy. and what's that thing you already have?
I'm no ones
oh yea friends
please don't ask me this things, don't play with me, don't make me have my hopes high
*sighs* how do you feel?
Roy what do you expect me to say? you want me to say how stupid I am and that I shouldn't play this silly games and just tell you that I am in love so you can won this thing
I don't want to be weak
the only problem is that I love you Roy
this is so crazy
go to hëll *insert your last name here so it will sound like a cool clique line*
😂😂but like really wants your last name?
*whats TYPOOOO
so you won't tell me?
*princess not babe
so I'm one of many, it's surprising how much you annoy me
oh you are BABE
Love, like you have to accept to are a lil annoying
that's the reason I'm telling you
same here
oh I remember now
and you are so annoyingly handsome
but I'm so right
I'm never wrong either
I won our little bet my dear
come on Roy, you accepted you fell for me since day one
so when did you discovered you loved me?
soooooooo you lost first and boy I thought you controlled your feelings way better than that
you know what? I don't really care if I lost, I love you, I love you, I love you
lava ya
hëll no?
Dämn no
someone is a bit jealous
psssssss I know completely not jealous
whatever you say my prince, but keep in mind they are just my friends
oh shut up😂
sure just a bit;)
I love you my jealous little prince
I like the sound of that:)))
not funny:( I lave you too ugly
you mean with the most handsome funniest and sweetest guy
my pleasure big lips prince
well I must confess I am looking forward that moment my dearest sir
I'm really trying to be patient it better be amazing
patience patience patience I'll repeat it till it works
uhhhh, can't wait
I know, I know
You better, I'm just wondering what will happen after we kiss the first time, I'll have to control myself even more😂
It better be because I can say the same thing about you
you are so hatable sometimes
noooooooo me
I was being sarcastic obviously not me
yea none of us then
have I told you how much I like your eyes?
well my dear your eyes drive me insane
they are just so deep beautiful intriguing and I love eyes, specially yours
uhhhh I'm not cute I'm baaaad, why do people think I'm cute
what? I am completely terrible, I can even scare kids
yes I can I'll show you:( I'm evil
I have no idea how to show you, you'll have to wait and see I guess
and this one