It truly upsets me that this is an issue amongst certain people. But on a happier note OUT OF THE WOODS WAS AWESOME!!?!? It was sooooo creative and cool!!!!! I'm really sad tho, I can't post anything from the video and I feel friendless right


☹TAP PLEASE☹ It truly upsets me that this is an issue amongst certain people. But on a happier note OUT OF THE WOODS WAS AWESOME!!?!? It was sooooo creative and cool!!!!! I'm really sad tho, I can't post anything from the video and I feel friendless right

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you go Freda! 👌🏻💖
Freda bae this is so true😇 and I really hate this hopefully this could be improved and yes OOTW is AMAZING!😄✨💖
Freda this was amazing...it's true that this issue is horrible. when PC filters comments it makes me rage inside, like, I MEANT WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY, DONT BLOCK ME FROM SPEAKING MY MIND. but thanks for putting this up👌🏼😘😁💯
Very true and I get it. They shouldn't stop us unless reasonable. I loved how u put this up I agree very much. The filtering must be stopped now. OOTW WAS AMAZING!🌲😘😂😄
PC's filter system is so messed up. Biśexual isn't a bad word, we should be able to say it. And I completely agree with you. (Oh and I also agree about the OOTW music video!)
This is so true. Exactly.
Freda this is amazing. Your sexuality shouldn't matter. Whether your straight or not you're still a human and deserve equal rights and respect and Pic Collage is t doing a good job respecting them if we can't even type the words.