Collage by zanejenkinssss


23 1
If y’all commented on my other posts I can’t respond, the app won’t let me. Also I’m not gonna date someone over this stupid app lol sorry if I’m being harsh but seriously?!?! First of all I never use this app. Second of all, everyone on here is like an 11 year old fan girl or it’s a fake acc, third of all, if you don’t have ATLEAST and instagram it’s gonna be really hard for me to talk to u Bc this app has no Direct messenger or anything. Also don’t be petty and try to guilt trip me into a relationship. You’ll be ignored. 🙃🙃 other than that y’all have a nice day 🖤
this wasn’t about anyone in particular, I’m sorry if it upset someone. 🖤🖤I was just annoyed
yea I’m sorry 😐 truly I’m not trying to get you to date me or anything. I still do think your cute though I just want to have a friend to talk to. it’s beeen three months since my last relationship I’m just so down lately. sorry if I annoyed you
you didn’t annoy me lol someone else did, trust me it wasn’t you
ok thxs 😁
can you plz txt me it’s important 😭😭
I’m at school so I can’t but I’ll give u my number. delete it from comments immediately after you get it tho
I txted you so when you get the time just shot me one back
omg I hate when people do this to me 😭 I just looked him up
Dam you look nice
Zane thxs for being an amazing friend. You helped me a lot today and I appreciate that if I didn’t have you as a friend I don’t know where I would be today. Thxs for being the best love ~Skye😁
hey that’s true
yea but it doesn’t matter 😶
Zane look at my recent posts 😑
it’s not you
thxs for the spam
lol he likes someone else and he won’t date me anyway
that’s a cute pic
txt me it’s been a while